Monday, February 20, 2006

Valentine Loves Novel, Fragrance by Princene Feb 14th

On this Valentine's Day I thought about you . .

I wish you all the best for Today, This Month, This Year 2006

And for years to come.........I share with you excerpts from a hot new

little novel called Fragrance, by Princene - Me. - Buy it on line today at Click on to bookstore, then type in either the name of novel,

Fragrance, or the Author, Princene - Then I go to view the book cover, the section about the Author, and even read a Chapter from it. But today I send/give you this treasure - An excerpt (minor changes) from her book just for you and yours.........


The Pilot just alerted everyone that there would be some turbulence coming up for about twenty minutes. Everyone took in a deep breath including Fragrance. She knew that God brought her this far to not destroy her, so she had faith that everything would be okay.................The Steward was welcoming everyone to Paris, France. Fragrance was there! She arrived!......Fragrance prepared to meet her Prince. When Fragrance stepped off the plane she looked like a million dollars. At least she felt that rich. Cologne was standing facing the passengers as they came out...........Cologne walked slowly toward her and held out the roses. As Fragrance took them in her arms she slowly walked over to a nearby chair and tenderly placed them there. Then it happened. Cologne's lips touched Fragrance's lips. They touched so lightly then ....They held each other so tight as if to announce to the world the world that they were Siamese twins...They were lost in another world.
"It's good to see you, Fragrance!" Welcome to my world!"......
"Oh wait, my Roses." Fragrance picked up her two dozen of roses. They smelled so good. "These are going into my room."...........She placed the roses in vases. They smelled so good blending with the rose fragrance she had on. Their smell illuminated the whole room setting up a romantic stage.


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