Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ebert's comments about McCain's Body Language Inspires my Poem..

In light of what Ebert wrote, this is off the cuff here, but since I'm a creative writer I ought to be able to do this...
Poem, "Obama to McCain" by Princene ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 9/30/08
You may ignore my face,
but I applaud your grace, not!
You may ignore my smile
but I've got you on my style,
Yes, you may ignore my wits,
but I admit, I embrace your fits,
In fact, You, John, may ignore my talk,
but I will always take my walk,
Into the White House I must go,
ignore this, but the votes, oh my,
make me the winner! Spinner!
Go away for now,
but then who will be ignored?

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