Sunday, March 12, 2006

Dr. Robert Miller Bibliography

Guest Lecturer Lecturer on the historical contributions of African Americans,
post Civil War, in settling the American West.
* Dallas Regional Council of International Reading
* National Association of Black School Educators
* City of Buffalo, Board of Education
* WABC TV, New York; Gil Noble Show
Education Ph.D., Temple University, Department of African American
Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; focus, African American
Literature and History, 2002.
M.A., African American Studies; focus, African American
History, 1998.
Dissertation topic; African Horse Culture in America: A
Critical Historiography. Research critically examines to what
extent the development of African horse culture in Africa and
colonial America was influenced by African horsemen.
Teaching Experience Introduction to African American Religion, Religion in Society, 2002-Present Racial Justice in America, Analysis of the African American
Christian Experience Expressed in the Musical Tradition of
Gospel and Blues. Created a Graduate Course; Analysis of
African American Slave Religion on Post Harlem Renaissance
Writers; James Baldwin & Richard Wright. African America
History in the Twentieth Century, Mass Media & the African
American Image
Visual Arts Production Theatre; Produced, wrote and directed; When the Fires Still
Burn; 18th St. Theatre, Off Off Broadway, New York, N.Y.,
Walnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, Who-dun-it; The
Companion Piece. Film ; Screenplay ,Western, A Cowboy
Story, Urban Legend, Mandee. Television; written many sit-
com synopsis, available upon request.
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