Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Open Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama

To the Honorable President Obama:

How does it feel to be the most powerful man in the Universe?! I thank God that you made it! Yes, I voted for you and yes, I believe in you.

Here's a reminder from scripture that 'the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but he that endures until the end'.

I loved watching you, First Lady Michelle and your two wonderful daughters, Sasha and Malia, take in and create this special historical event.

Mr. President, don't worry if there were words stumbled while taking your oath because God is going to bless you to do it again in FOUR MORE YEARS!!! Please select someone that will practice before and manage to get into the grove of how you speak....

Yes, I believe that you will lead our country for eight years. I didn't physically attend your Inauguration but I was truly there in spirit. I'm believing God that the next time around I will be there and nearby to see you sworn in again.

I realize that I'm being too futuristic and do not mean to minimize what you have to do to get this country into better shape, but visions and prophecies can come and must be uttered even before it is time....I prophecy in God's name that you will be our President for two terms!

Mr. President, also in the scriptures is that 'faith is the substance of things hoped for'....I am hopeful that as you lead our Country that my life will shine brighter and I will contribute as an American in ways I never have before. You have inspired me to stop leading a mediocre existence and to give to humanity all the talents and skills God has blessed me with (which are many!).

President Obama, if you desire to assign me to write something special here in Southern California, or if you want to hire me to accomplish a special task or hire me until your days are accomplished, I AM AVAILABLE!

I am confident that God will lead you to this letter and that you will see how one American who needed to become re-energized again used what little tool I had as a writer, and write into your heart, for you,President Barack Obama, wrote into the hearts of many people with a simple slogan...YES WE CAN!!!!


Princene Boyd
Author, Fragrance

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